Sunday, November 16, 2014

Proposal for Extended Essay

I have selected to extend my my essay about Social Networking. In my essay I give examples of how web users do not have privacy anymore because they air their whole lives on the internet. I discuss these issues but I do not go into depth. That is why this essay is perfect for expanding. There are so many other examples I can give about the internet and social networks, and I can elaborate more on my personal experiences. I am going to talk more about Privacy settings and discuss the reasons why they do not work. In my mini essay all I do is mention the privacy settings and I do not go into detail. In addition I want to add a new reference. The reference I want to include is the televison show "Catfish" from MTV. "Catfish" is a show that searches different profile users to see if they are real or if someone is making up a profile. This will be a good example of how we are not safe on the web. Another way for me to expand my essay will be to compare and contrast the bad from the good of using Social Networks. I can discuss the benefits of having a Facebook or social media, like being able to stay socially connected to friends and family. Overall this essay will have more detail and will hopefully give my readers a better understanding of my thesis. This essay has a lot of room for improvement and it will be easy to add in more information to expand.

Key Terms:
-Privacy Settings
-Social Networks
-Benefits of social media
-Ways of accessing personal information 
-World Wide Web
-Controlling the Web


  1. I think using the show and the concept of "Catfish" is a really good idea! It shows how dangerous social media can be. I recommend mentioning the counterargument of privacy settings which is that people CHOOSE to post personal things about them self. Good luck!

  2. I like that you are discussing the issues of privacy because that is something that I haven't thought about really before. I am writing on the same essay but i'm disusing the differences between different social media sites.Privacy issues on social networking sites is huge argument going on in the world today so it will be interesting to see how you put it all together ! good luck

  3. I think you have really good examples and it seems as if you'll have great support to extend your paper. Overall, your paper sounds like it's going to be great! good luck on your essay!

  4. You have many good ideas here. It does seem though that you might have too many to create a cohesive paper. The issue raised in Catfish is very different from that of privacy--and they are both good topics. Pick one and really run with it.
    If you go with the catfishing idea, read my comment to Kyla. The construction of identity is not always nefarious. Be sure to address both kinds.
    If you go with privacy issues, think about terms and agreements that are in each social media platform--who really owns this content? Recent "leaks" would make great examples.
